In the real and private economy, activity is often very distant from the noisy atmosphere surrounding politics. This activity is a daily struggle to develop, or to attempt to develop in terms of competitiveness, with an increasing focus on external markets, identifying opportunities and signs that enable you to meet the daily challenges and to develop.
Expresso, May 2011
José Sócrates visited Frezite to praise the work that has been done towards the economic recovery of the country. The Prime Minister said that like this company from Trofa, it is necessary to "be committed to exports".
The commitment of Frezite to exports did not go unnoticed by the Portuguese Prime Minister, who visited Trofa to congratulate the managers of the company for their positive results even in times of crisis.
O Notícias da Trofa, 21st of April 2011
On the 19th of April 2011, the Prime Minister, José Sócrates, made a visit to the facilities of FREZITE - Ferramentas de Corte, S.A., in Trofa.
Expresso, 29th of April 2011
Prime Minister, José Sócrates, said today that Portugal "has no alternative" but to be committed to exports, and praised the sectors of mechanical engineering and metallurgy for their "contribution" to the economic recovery in Portugal.
On a visit to the facilities of Frezite, an engineering company in Trofa specialising in cutting tools and precision tools systems, José Sócrates praised "the contribution to the national economic recovery in the country made by the sectors of mechanical engineering and metallurgy", which he explained had "increased exports by about 100 percent, both in volume and in quality".
AICEP Portugal, 19th of April 2011
José Sócrates was in Trofa this afternoon, where he visited Frezite, one of the most significant companies at national level in the mechanical engineering sector. The Prime Minister visited the facilities of the company and praised its work and the increasingly positive results recorded since the crisis of 2008.
Lusa, 19th of April 2011
José Sócrates, said today that Portugal "has no alternative" but to be committed to exports, and praised the sectors of mechanical engineering and metallurgy for their "contribution" to the economic recovery in Portugal.
On a visit to the facilities of Frezite, an engineering company in Trofa specialising in cutting tools and precision tools systems, José Sócrates praised "the contribution to the national economic recovery in the country made by the sectors of mechanical engineering and metallurgy", which he explained had "increased exports by about 100 percent, both in volume and in quality".
Fórum Novas Fronteiras, 19th of April 2011.
The Trofa company, Frezite, received a visit from the Prime Minister of Portugal, José Sócrates, on Tuesday the 19th of April.
The head of the government was received at the company by the Chairman of the Council, José Manual Fernandes and by the Chairman of Trofa Chamber of Commerce, Joana Lima.
Metro News, 19th of April 2011.
Portugal "has no alternative but to committed to exports", and for this to be possible "it is necessary to gear public policy towards this sector" said the Prime Minister during a visit to Frezite, an engineering company producing cutting and precision tools in Trofa.
Portugal Gov, 19th of April 2011.
Prime Minister, José Sócrates, said on Tuesday that Portugal "has no alternative" but to be committed to exports, and praised the sectors of mechanical engineering and metallurgy for their "contribution" to the economic recovery in Portugal.
Sá, 19th of April 2011.
José Sócrates visited Frezite to praise the work that has been done towards the economic recovery of the country. The Prime Minister said that like the company from Trofa, it is necessary to have a "commitment to exports".
Notícias da Trofa, 2011
Frezite, in Trofa, received a visit from the Prime Minister. José Sócrates was received at the company by the Chairman of the Council, José Manual Fernandes and by the Chairman of Trofa Chamber of Commerce, Joana Lima.
This was followed by a guided tour of the facilities, where the Prime Minister saw the strategy for investment and growth of the Frezite Group, which already has 14 companies around the world., April 2011
Frezite was one of the companies visited by the President of AICEP on Friday, the 18th of February. Basílio Horta said that the group from Trofa was a "model" to follow in terms of exports.
Seeing the reality of Frezite and the new prospects for national development first hand were the objectives of the visit by the President of AICEP (Portuguese Agency for Investment and International Trade). Basílio Horta was at the company facilities in Trofa where he met the President of the Frezite Group, José Manuel Fernandes to "exchange information" about supporting external trade.
The President of AICEP also had the opportunity to see the investment made by Frezite in expansion of the factory, as part of "a highly goal-oriented initiative geared particularly to the external markets", highlighted José Manuel Fernandes.
Basílio Horta stressed that Frezite is "a model company in terms of exports and in terms of high tech production, which is why these companies are making Portugal grow, and on which the future growth of the country must be based."
O Notícias da Trofa, 28th of March 2011
José Manuel Fernandes, President of the Frezite Group and Vice President of the AEP accompanied Prime Minister José Sócrates on his visit to China. During this stay in China, investment contracts were signed between business associations, national banks and and the ICEP (Portuguese Institute of External Trade).
O Notícias da Trofa, 2nd of March 2011
In fact, when it was founded Frezite only had international competition. And if indeed nothing had changed over the last three decades, we would no longer exist.
Companies are living organs in society, with five senses to help them get to know the universe that surrounds them.
AEBA Magazine, January 2011