
Media | Frezite Group
 Oct 22, 20204 years ago

FHP and Cryogenics

The multi-layer coating (MLI) in which FHP is the specialist is an efficient thermal protection in the cryogenics market. The know-how acquired by the FREZITE Group company allows it to develop solutions in this field that have applications in different industries from the medical area to the transport sector. FHP is growing...

 Sep 21, 20204 years ago

Frezite supports an innovative award-winning project

Técnico Solar Boat, a university project, consisting of engineering students from the Instituto Superior Técnico, working on the development of a manned competition vessel, powered exclusively by solar energy, won the Innovation Prize of Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge. The developed prototype had the support of FREZITE tools in a project that seeks to promote renewable energy, sustainability, and electric mobility, and simultaneously aims to participate in international competitions. Find out more in:

 Sep 14, 20204 years ago

FHP coating used on an antenna in a mission to Jupiter

JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) is one of the major scientific missions of the European Space Agency's Cosmic Vision programme. The satellite, to be launched in 2022, is expected to reach Jupiter after a long gravity-assisted journey around Venus, Earth and Mars. The built-in multi-layer-coated antenna (MLI) produced by FHP should provide two-way communications between the JUICE satellite and Earth to analyse the atmospheres and gravitational fields of the planet and several of its moons. Another relevant FHP participation in the exploration of the planet Jupiter! Watch a video of the functional tests here:

 Aug 27, 20204 years ago

Founder of Frezite nominated for Prize

"Portugueses de Valor 2020" [value Portuguese’s] is the name of the initiative promoted by LusoPress TV and the magazine with the same name to distinguish personalities with a relevant career in the service of Portuguese society. This year's distinction includes José Manuel Fernandes, chairman of FREZITE Group and simultaneously president of the Regional Industry Area AEBA - Associação Empresarial do Baixo Ave, among the nominees. Due to the context of a pandemic, the award Gala to be held in Bragança has been postponed until next year.

 Aug 24, 20204 years ago

FHP participates in the development of air transport solutions

FHP is working on the definition, identification, studies and development of structural insulation - thermal and acoustic - for the elements that make up FLY.PT's modular air transport solution. This involves the combination of an autonomous electric vehicle (AEV) with an autonomous aerial vehicle (UAV or drone), by coupling/uncoupling a cabin for two to four people or two people with luggage. It makes FHP an active partner at the forefront of e-mobility solutions.

 Aug 4, 20204 years ago

Group also bets on Instagram

FREZITE is present in another social network. After YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook channels, it is now also present in Instagram, which has been growing in Portugal. Follow us!

 Jul 27, 20204 years ago

FHP in the space program Copernicus

FHP will participate in the manufacture of new satellites for the European programme Copernicus whose objective is to put at least 12 more satellites in orbit for better Earth observation. FREZITE heads a list of four Portuguese companies and one institute involved in a 10 million euro funded contract under ESA - European Space Agency.

 Jul 6, 20204 years ago

FHP participation in NASA images

In these photos and video we can see the participation of FHP - Frezite High Performance in the Spanish Optical Telescope that is in the International Space Station. Note that FHP provided the MLI (multilayer insulation), a thermal insulator that is often used in space vehicles showing next to the astronaut in the image transmitted by NASA. It is special!

 Jul 3, 20204 years ago

SERI reorganizes facilities

In June, SERI's administrative and engineering departments moved from the company's manufacturing facilities, in Varziela's industrial area, to Fajozes, where SERI acquired a second pavilion, contiguous to the one it already had and where the company's assembly area was installed. This change comes from the investment made in the expansion of the company's facilities, which will lead to the reorganization of SERI's production layout.

 Jun 8, 20204 years ago

FHP in the Satlantis camera

FHP in the Satlantis camera The Spanish optical telescope will be launched today in a Japanese JAXA HTV-9 spacecraft for the International Space Station, which represents human presence in space. It incorporates Portuguese hardware developed by FHP. Pride!

 Jun 8, 20204 years ago

SERI has new website

The layout adopted, cleaner and more modern, seeks to communicate all the know-how of the company that provides: special clamping devices, special equipment, automation and turnkey projects, but also its services, brands and customers. Discover the news at

 Apr 29, 20204 years ago

FHP collaborates with CEiiA in the production of ventilators

As part of the Atena project, CEiiA (Centre of Excellence for Automotive Industry Innovation) is involved in the production of a prototype ventilator and has FHP as its supplier. The goal is to leverage the production of fans to combat the Covid-19 virus in Portugal. By the end of April CEiiA is expected to produce 100 ventilators and it is estimated to produce a few thousand in the coming months.
Photo: Pedro Granadeiro/Global Imagens

 Apr 23, 20204 years ago

For inclusion: IT action

To help students most in need to return to school - from home - due to the Covid-19 pandemic, FREZITE donated 15 PC equipped with monitor, mouse and keyboard. The equipment was delivered to the Municipal Police and Civil Protection Division of Trofa to support the local community in combating asymmetries in access to education in this 3rd school period.

 Feb 20, 20204 years ago

FHP in space telescope

The CHEOPS (CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite) space telescope, which involved FHP in the development and manufacture of its thermal protection, revealed its first image of space. Launched in December and led by the European Space Agency (ESA), it has the unique ability to accurately determine the size of exoplanets in the range between the Super Lands and the Neptunnes, representing the outcome of 10 years of work and investment.
Image credits: ESA/ATG Medialab

 Feb 17, 20204 years ago

Group exhibited in Germany, France and Mexico

The FREZITE Group participated in the EUROGUSS 2020 - International Trade Fair for Die Casting - which took place in Nuremberg, Germany, between 14th and 16th January. In Lyon, France, the Wood Division exhibited at EUROBOIS from 4th to 7th February. In the following week, the Group exhibited at EXPOMANUFACTURA, in Monterrey, Mexico, between 11th and 13th February.

 Feb 13, 20205 years ago

FHP on the Solar Orbiter Probe

On February 10th, was launched the Solar Orbiter, an artificial solar observation satellite dedicated to solar and heliospheric physics developed by the European Space Agency.
The probe developed with NASA support, was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in the United States of America (USA) and its mission is to collect information about the Sun's poles.
This project counted with the FHP participation in the development of multilayers isolations (MLIs) for the thermal dummies.
The Orbiter Solar Probe is already in space and has Portuguese technology incorporated.

 Feb 7, 20205 years ago

Group in focus by the press

The Group's performance has been the target of journalistic coverage in different media. We would like to highlight the interview by the Chairman of FREZITE Group to LusoPress, with a magazine and television channel specially dedicated to reach out to the Portuguese emigrant community. In Portugal, reports such as the one published in the Expresso, a prestigious weekly newspaper, should be highlighted.

 Jan 31, 20205 years ago

Countdown to Expomanufactura 2020

After participating in the trade fair Industrial Transformation Mexico in October, the FREZITE Group will exhibit again in Mexico, this time at Expo Manufactura, which takes place in Monterrey, between 11th and 13th February.
Our local team is waiting to your visit at the stand: 515

 Jan 20, 20205 years ago

Group exhibits at EUROGUSS 2020

FREZITE Group participated in the EUROGUSS 2020 - International Trade Fair for Die Casting - that took place in Nuremberg, Germany between 14 and 16 January.
The group was represented by the brands SERI and FMT, pursuing the strategy of presents to the market with a unique service, through an integrated and differentiated offer.

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